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Janus GN

Janus, a god that is only Roman.

The Roman Gods are the deities the Roman empire worshipped.

Aspects and Personality[]

When the Greek deities were adopted by Rome, they gained another aspect. They were not completely one nor the other, due to having the ability to be in many places at once.

Some Roman Gods do not have a Greek aspect, being born within the Roman religion. Deities such as Terminus and Bellona are fully Roman. A god like Mithras is an instance that Roman mythology interacted and fused with other religions with the expansion of the empire.

As a result of Rome's new idea of them, their Roman forms have many differences from their original forms. They are described to be much more militaristic and dedicated to their duties than their original forms. However, they become warlike and usually unfriendly. They often are skilled in the ways of combat and seem to care about honor more, which matches with the Roman culture.

It is mentioned that some Gods' behavior can be so different in their Roman form that, rather than being a distinct aspect, they may became a distinct personality of such Gods. This is evident on Mars, who is a dedicated strategist and dislikes unnecessary bloodshed, in stark contrast to Ares, his true Greek form, who loves the idea of combat and violence.

Their status and importance can change slightly as well. For an example, Pluto was more associated with riches rather than his Greek form, where he was thought as mostly a death god. And Mars also became more important, due to the Romans' love of war and battle. He is respected to the point where only Jupiter is considered above him.

Meanwhile, as mentioned by Hazel, gods can become less respected in their Roman aspects. In the case of Poseidon becoming Neptune, the Romans tended to fear the sea and therefore he wasn't liked very much.

In The Mark of Athena, it is revealed that there are some deities who have forms that hardly contrast. Nemesis and Aphrodite/Venus state, that because revenge and love are universal, they don't change between their different aspects at all. Hecate also said that she would be Hecate, Greek or Roman. In The Tyrant's Tomb, Apollo noted that he hadn't changed much personality wise between his Greek and Roman selves, unlike Artemis when she became Diana.

By modern times, many of the minor deities are already so lost to the modern world's memory that they are only hanging on by a thread. As a result, during the Misfortunes at Camp Jupiter, the minor gods and goddesses were in danger of fading without the lingering aura of ancient Rome to bolster them, although the Olympians would probably be fine.

Division Between Forms[]

The gods can be torn between their aspects. This occurs whenever their Greek and Roman children go to war. This happens because their demigod children call for their respective forms on both sides, causing them to be in a divided state. In this state they can have brutal headaches, confusion, and schizophrenia. Even the most levelheaded deities can be incomprehensive, Athena/Minerva as an example.

It is noted later on that minor gods and goddesses are less affected by wars between their Greek and Roman aspects. As a result of less worship and prayers, they are burdened with only minor annoyances such as headaches. This is a explanation of why Zephyros/Favonius was only mildly affected and was not totally incapacitated.

In The Blood of Olympus it was stated that Artemis and Apollo could escape the division of their forms by going to their birthplace Delos. However, leaving the area would cause them to lose control and have their powers nullified. In The Tyrant's Tomb, Apollo noted that there wasn't much difference between his Greek and Roman selves, but Artemis changed greatly when she became Diana.

During the first known time the Greeks and Romans clashed, the gods stopped the war by separating them and making each other believe the other didn't exist. The second division was eventually sorted out when the Athena Parthenos was given to the Greeks as a peace offering, which died down the war and healed the gods' forms.


Roman Gods, unlike the Egyptian pantheon, don't require specific anchors to walk on earth. And unlike the Norse, they are immortal without needing to consume a divine substance and are seen as more divine, like their Greek counterparts.

Olympian Gods[]

Temple of Jupiter small

A statue of Jupiter at Camp Jupiter.

Minor Gods[]




  • Typhoeus (Greek Form: Typhon)
  • Fauns (Greek Form: Satyrs)
  • Venti (Greek Form: Anemoi Thuellai)
  • Sphinge (Greek Form: Sphinx)




  • The twelve Olympians in Roman mythology are called the Dii Consentes.
  • In Camp Jupiter Classified: A Probatio's Journal, it is revealed that the ancile, a magical shield given by the gods to protect and strengthen Rome, is the magical force that sustain the link with the modern world for many nature spirits and minor deities associated with Rome, who, without it, would be too weak to keep existing.
  • Unlike Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter recognizes minor gods and doesn't separate campers based on who their godly parent is, therefore Camp Jupiter is bigger in number due to the demigods being children of minor gods and the safety of New Rome allowing demigods to have Legacies.