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Pyrokinesis (from the Greek words pûr and kínesis: fire moving) it is the ability to control fire well as being completely immune to being burned by fire. Leo Valdez has this ability and uses it to protect himself as well as others. Only a few chosen children of Hephaestus share this power because it appears in demigods when horrible things are destined to occur, because, as Jason puts it, that is when they are needed the most. The Norse Fire Giants of Muspellheim (most notably, their ruler, Surt), have this ability as well.


In 1666, Thomas Faynor, the last pyrokinetic child of Hephaestus before Leo, accidentally lost control of his fire powers in his bakery. This is what started the Great Fire of London, which was thought to have been started by one of the ovens.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

The Last Olympian

Despite being the Titan of Light, Hyperion is able to absorb Greek fire into his body after being hit with it.

Heroes of Olympus

The Lost Hero


Leo Valdez, a pyrokinetic

Only two demigods in the series have been revealed to be able to use Pyrokinesis, Leo Valdez and Thomas Faynor. Leo at first is unwilling to tell anyone about his power because he feels that his power is a terrible thing, believing it caused his mother's death and his cabin feels that pyrokinesis is a curse as people with this power seemingly only appear when bad things are about to happen. When Leo was a baby, Tía Callida puts him in a blazing fire pit of which using pyrokinesis, he withstands the flames. Later, when Leo was five, he seared his hand print an inch deep in the solid wood of a picnic table. At age eight, Leo used pyrokinesis again and accidentally burns down the warehouse his mother worked in with her inside. At Camp Half-Blood, Leo use his powers to withstand Festus' flame attacks. During the battle with the cyclops in a warehouse, Leo uses it again to endure a firestorm caused by red hot coals and kerosene caused by Ma Gasket. He also uses pyrokinesis to summon a white hot bolt of flames for breaking a chain holding an engine, causing it to fall on Ma Gasket. He later battled Khione's snow powers with his own fire and managed to drive her off.

Users of Pyrokinesis

File:Images.jpg Hephaestus.jpg

Hephaestus, the god of fire


  • Interestingly, Thomas Faynor, unlike most children of Hephaestus, owned a bakery instead of doing anything involving mechanics. Leo has also shown to be a good cook from years of fending for himself.
  • Children of Hecate have limited pyrokinesis, but only through one known spell--Incantare:Templum Incendere, as demonstrated by Lamia.
Demigod Abilities: ADHD | Ancient Greek | Aphrodite's Blessing | Ares' Blessing | Artemis' Blessing | Clear Sight | Dreams | Dyslexia | Latin
Object Manipulation: Air | Anatomy | Atmosphere | Bones | Darkness | Dead | Diseases | Earth | Electricity | Fears | Fire | Healing | Ice | Illusions | Light | Locks | Love | Luck | Machines | Magic | Memories | Metals | Objects | Peace | Portals | Plants | Poison | Sleep | Sound | Temperature | Time | War | Water | Wealth | Weapons | Youth
Egyptian Magic: Animal Charming | Binding Magic | Combat Magic | Death Magic | Divine Words | Duat Travel | Duat Usage | Divination | Elemental Magic | Healing Magic | Necromancy | Path of the Gods | Statuary Magic | Storm Magic | Surveillance Magic | Sympathetic Magic
Other Abilities: Alf Seidr | Charmspeak | Curse of Achilles | Death Trance | Empathy Link | Immunity | Mist Control | Monster Sense | Prophecy | Rune Magic | Satyr's Sanctuary | Seasons Alteration | Shadow Travel | Shapeshifting | Teleportation | Vocal Mimicry | Zoolingualism
Skills: Alf Sign Language | Archery | Axemanship | Greek Training | Horsemanship | Knifemanship | Legion Training | Morse Code | Multilingualism | Musical Aptitude | Old Norse | Polearmsmanship | Swordsmanship | Weaving