Riordan Wiki
Riordan Wiki

Rwtia64 Rwtia64 10 September 2011

HTML Helper Wanted

Well, this might just be a bit too much to ask.. :)

But I was wondering if anyone on this wikia is a Mortal Instruments fan? :) Y'see, its Wikia is pretty dead right now, and I was wondering if anyone was interested to join up and help out with the site. I've done a bunch I can, but I'm not much of an HTML person, so yeah, my help is pretty limited..

Thanks .. :)

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Rwtia64 Rwtia64 18 December 2010

`Percy? not a child of this Great Prophecy?

Wew, I am back CHBwiki! Gosh, I went from Rank#14 to #34 in a month! Bummer.. :( LOL. I would've gotten the 30day badge but forgot to log in on my 27th day.. sigh.. :( Anyway,.. onto the topic!

Speculations been goin' around the net that Percy might just not be one of the 'Seven demigods' in the current Great Phophecy. :O :((( Say it ain't so! Apparently, they say that RR said that 'a certain son of Poseidon won't be part of this prophecy' and that 'Percy will definitely play a big role in this next series but not as the central, character'. I agree with that last bit but only bec. I think he'll be a main character along with others, but not completely ignored or whatever! But a lot of people have interpreted Rick Riordan's words as Percy n…

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